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BIRTH RECORDS                                   1867 THROUGH 1957

DEATH RECORDS                                  1887 THROUGH 1957


公民的记录                           1868年到1926年


These original records are located in the Clerk-Recorder's Office in the 卡森城 Courthouse at   885 E. 威尼斯官方网站登录马瑟街1025号套房.  我们的营业时间是星期一到星期五上午8点到下午5点.  我们的电话号码是775-887-2084.


The birth and death records that are listed on our website are not a complete or accurate list.  如果您在我们的办公室找不到记录,请与 内华达州政府部门. 生命统计

出生纪录索引  (代码BIR) 1867年至1957年
出生记录包括父亲和母亲的名字.  The child, in some cases, was not named until later and the name did not appear on the birth record.  In that case, the father's last name was used and then "son" or "daughter".   另外,孩子的母亲可能被登记为. 也没有娘家姓或姓.

死亡纪录索引  (编码DC / BUR / COR) 1887年至1957年
死亡记录包括父母姓名(如有提供).  在某些情况下, 死亡证明上没有提供一个人的姓名, 所以这些记录将被列为“未知”男性或女性, “中国佬”, “chinawoman”, 和/或“印度”.

Other types of death records you might come across include Coroner's 报告 (COR), 埋葬纪录(BUR), 医生的死亡证明, 以及其他形式的文件.

我们有几个条目是一个短语, 比如“独臂吉姆”, “印度玛姬”, 或“中国小”, 并在它们出现时被编入索引.

Chinese name indexing is difficult because you can't determine what the family name should be.  例如, 名字是李亚宗, "Loy" should be the family name (they are usually at the front of the name) but it could be Chung, 一个普通的中文名字.  If we assume it is Loy, then the name would be indexed as Loy, Ah Chung.  To make things even more complicated, there are incomplete chinese names.  Most often, the names are simply written as Ah Chung, Ah Jon, etc.  我们把它们归为A类.  在某些情况下, we have indexed them twice - first with the obvious first name and second with what we believe is a last or family name.


公共卫生官员报告索引    (编码 的PHB -用于出生 & 博士学位 -死亡)

The 公共卫生 Officer 报告 included a monthly listing of births, 死亡, 埋葬及移走许可证, 疾病, 以及其他健康状况.  At one time there was a requirement for the County 健康 Officer to file this monthly report to the County Recorder's Office.  This report provided a presentation of the current health status for the county and identified current epidemics or contagious 疾病.


This database includes the names of people interred at Lone Mountain Cemetery and Empire Cemetery from the 1850's thru the present.  该索引包括埋葬日期, 死亡日期, 出生日期(如果有的话), 以及埋葬地点.  If you find a record with the burial date "01/01/1700" the burial date was unknown or incomplete.

If you need further assistance in looking for a cemetery record, please follow the link below labeled "孤山墓园资料".


公民索引  (代码CIT)(1868年至1926年)

Citizenship records include names of people filing for citizenship in the United States through the county's court system.  早在20世纪初, a person could file for citizenship within the state rather than with the federal government.  每个人都有不同的文件.

To become a citizen of the United States there was a lengthly process an alien would have to take.  There were many kinds of documents to be obtained and these kinds of naturalization records are mentioned by the National Archives.  以下是该描述的摘录:

一般来说, naturalization was a two-step process that took a minimum of 5 years.  在美国居住两年后, an alien could file a "declaration of intent"     (so-called "first papers") to become a citizen.  After 3 additional years, the alien could "petition for naturalization."  After the petition was granted, a certificate of citizenship was issued to the alien.  这两个步骤不必在同一法院进行.  一般来说, the "declaration of intent" generally contains more genealogically useful information than the "petition."  The "declaration" may include the alien's month and year (or possibly the exact date) of immigration into the United States.

Having stated this "two-step, 5-year" general rule, it is necessary to note several exceptions:

The first major exception was that "derivative" citizenship was granted to wives and minor children of naturalized men.  From 1790 to 1922, wives of naturalized men automatically became citizens.  这也意味着一个嫁给美国人的外国女人.S. 公民自动成为公民.  (Conversely, an American woman who married an alien lost her U.S. 公民身份,即使她从未离开美国.从1790年到1940年, children under the age of 21 automatically became naturalized citizens upon the naturalization of their father.  不幸的是, 然而, names and biographical information about wives and children are rarely included in declaration or petitions filed before September 1906.

一般规则的第二个主要例外是from, 1824 to 1906, minor aliens who had lived in the United States 5 years before their 23rd birthday could file both their declarations and petitions at the same time.

The third major exception to the general rule was the special consideration given to veterans.  An 1862 law allowed honorably discharged Army veterans of any war to petition for naturalization - without previously having filed a declaration of intent - after only 1 year of residence in the United States.  An 1894 law extended the same no-previous-declaration privilege to honorably discharged 5-year veterans of the Navy or Marine Corps.  超过192,自5月9日以来,已有1000名外国人入籍, 1918, 及六月三十日, 1919, 根据5月9日的法案, 1918, 允许外国人为美国服务.S. armed forces during "the present war" to file a petition for naturalization without making a declaration of intent or proving 5 years' residence.  1919年颁布的法律, 1926, 1940, and 1952 continued various preferential treatment provisions for veterans.                                                 







To assist you in researching your ancestors, we have provided a 血统图记录 (PDF)及a 家谱关系图 供您记录您的家族史使用.